About contracts and agreements directly related to the development of an urban project.
Of all kinds of official judgments concerning land management.
- Licenses and permits
- Rulings
- Declaratory
- Codes, official numbers or records on matters of alignment and boundaries
- Agreements in free transmissions, arrangements between developers, polygons of action and other instruments to share the burdens of urban development equitably
- Management and arrangement per operations before government agencies
- Management of water feasibilities, rights regularization and operation of supply sources, plumbing projects for operators of water bodies, compensation for investment in sanitation and head works
- Land use changes
- Regularization of existing buildings
- Management plans, codes or rectifications before Cadastral Office
- Permits and licenses for applications considered a risk such as service stations, gas and other equipment.
- Total project management of subdivisions or condominiums as Legal Department Outsourcing.
- Coordination of studies and manifestos to obtain opinions for Environmental Impact, traffic impact, compatibility and other urban studies.
- Management of water feasibilities, rights regularization and operation of supply sources, plumbing projects to operators of water bodies, compensation for investment of sanitation and head works.
As well as analysis of alternative urban management and investment counseling, based on the potential and risks of the land in the city according to the parameters of zoning, the planning, and the programs of urban development.
In administrative matter
- Resources Review
- Administrative Procedures
- Constitutional Procedures
- Tax recovery and derived rights from real estate transactions
The best services in urban and environmental law
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